DT: ScrapFX
Both grungy and sweet:
I don’t think I often explore my grungy side, and when I do: I’m on really thin ice.
But the new pieces from ScrapFX forced my grungy side out in the open.
It is so fun, layering paint, tape and everything you want to throw on..and in the end:
the masterpiece and mainfocus: The chipboard!!

The chipboard is Melting clock, and I got to thinking of Salvador Dali and his melting clocks,
and the wise line: Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero. This means something like:
Seize this day,don’t worry about tomorrow.
Over to the sweet side, and this layout:

My girl has such a sweet face on this picture, and I love to scrap it!
The chipboard: Sweet face..total match<3
The title says: Little sunshine.
Close up:

Hope you are inspired to be both grungy and cute.
Thank you for stopping by<3